Which Cosmetic Dermatology Treatment Is Right For You? 4 Reasons To Try Fillers

Is a cosmetic injection treatment right for you? If you're considering a cosmetic dermatology procedure to freshen your face and reduce the appearance of fine lines, cosmetic dermatology might be for you. But if you're not sure whether soft tissue dermal fillers are the best way to meet your aesthetic goals, you should take a look at the top reasons to choose a filler.

Fillers Can Reduce the Signs of Aging

Soft tissue fillers are the second most popular minimally-invasive cosmetic procedure in the U.S., according to 2020 data from the American Society of Plastic Surgeons. There's a reason why more than 3.4 million people chose this type of treatment in one year alone. Soft tissue or dermal fillers can decrease visible signs of aging. While fillers won't lift your face (in the same way an invasive surgery could), they can erase fine lines and plump the skin.

Fillers Won't Require Stitches 

You want a cosmetic procedure that won't leave behind stitches or scars. Unlike surgical treatments, minimally-invasive options won't require an operating room, incisions, or sutures. This means you won't have to worry about wound care in the post-treatment period or return to the doctor's office for suture removal. 

Fillers Offer Natural-Looking Results

You want to look like yourself—just younger and fresher. Cosmetic injections can help you to achieve this goal. Long gone are the days when a cosmetic dermatology treatment left behind an overly-tightened, perpetually surprised, or noticeably fake look. 

Today's soft tissue fillers effectively reduce the appearance of lines and wrinkles in a natural way. The result is softer, smoother skin. Your friends and family will notice the change. But they may think you've recently returned from a relaxing vacation, changed your sleep patterns, or started using a new facial cream. 

Fillers Provide Long-Lasting Results

Most minimally-invasive cosmetic dermatology procedures are temporary or semi-permanent treatments. Even though a filler won't last forever, you could see results for several months or years. This makes soft tissue injectables a longer-lasting choice over spa facials, creams, and lotions. Not only will the results last for months or years, but you also won't have to apply a product daily to reduce wrinkles or constantly schedule treatments just to maintain your new youthful look. 

The amount of time a filler lasts varies. The primary factors that can impact the longevity of a dermal filler include the type/brand of product, the amount of filler your dermatologist injects, and how quickly your body can metabolize the injectable.

Contact a local cosmetic dermatologist to learn more. 
