What You Can Do To Help Treat Your Rosacea

Rosacea is a condition of the skin that can leave you with redness, pustules, warmth to the skin, or acne spots. If you have rosacea, it can be caused by a number of things, including stress, hormones, or even age. This skin condition can also be related to your genes as well. If someone else in your family has had a history of rosacea, you may also end up with this skin condition. There are some things you may be able to do to treat this condition yourself, in addition to treatments offered by the dermatologist. If you suspect you have this condition, you need to get to a dermatologist for treatment options. Read on for a few things you can do yourself. 

Avoid Triggers

Avoid all triggers that can affect this condition, such as drinking alcohol, eating spicy foods, experiencing stress, and being in the heat or extreme cold temperature changes. If you have been around these triggers, or you have found what can trigger your condition and worsen it, you need to avoid them. These triggers can cause your skin condition to worsen and result in flare-ups. Your face may feel hot to the touch, or it may be very hot. Avoid these triggers to prevent worsening your skin condition.

Keep Your Skin Clean

Keep your skin clean and clear by washing it with a gentle face wash. Use a gentle wash that keeps your skin clean and clear, but that doesn't cause it to dry out or cause irritation. Use a skin cleaner that is made for gentle skin and will not cause further irritation. Use a gentle cleanser that your dermatologist recommends you use. You can find gentle cleaners at your local pharmacy. If it's too harsh, avoid using it. Anything that has scrubbing features in them should be avoided.

Use The Recommended Treatment

Use the recommended treatments that your dermatologist has recommended that you use. Use the skin treatments provided to you, such as creams, lotions, or antibiotics. If there are any other treatments suggested, you should use these treatments as well. If any are causing more irritation, or you have other skin issues because of the treatments, you need to avoid using them.

If you have rosacea, or you suspect you have rosacea, you need to get to the dermatologist for proper treatment and for a proper diagnosis. Finding your triggers is important in treating this condition, so avoid the triggers as best as you can.

Visit a website like https://eastcarolinadermatology.com to learn more. 
